Stories of change

Stories about our grant recipients and their inspirational adventures.
Introducing: Kirsten Dixon
Kirsten lives with her kids, dogs and husband in the small regional town of Ōamaru. She’s been living with symptoms and episodes of MS for about 20 years but was finally diagnosed in 2021. She’s on a mission to walk the five-day, 85 km Old Ghost Road in Buller.
Introducing: Raffaela Dragani
Raffaela is an Italian living in Malborough with a passion for tramping. She was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder (FND) in 2021, and she received an Expedition Grant to help her achieve her goal of tramping into Blue Lake Hut in Nelson Lakes National Park.
Introducing: Duncan Grant
Duncan is a Manawatu local who happens to live in Auckland. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis three years ago, and he is preparing to complete the 4.6km Rangitoto Ocean Swim.